July 29, 2016 | Friday
This month’s EUICC photoblog features EU Green Week which took place from Monday, 30 May to Friday, 3 June. During this week European environmental policy was discussed, focusing on the theme “investing for a greener future.” Numerous facets of green investment were featured during this week with events and activities taking place across Europe. To highlight how investments can help build a “greener future”, each day focused on a different aspect of the theme, highlights are included in the photos below.
(Source: EU Green Week 2016)
On Monday the focus was how investing for greener cities can improve the quality of urban life. In Amsterdam, the day opened with EU Ministers for Urban Affairs agreeing on the Pact of Amsterdam, which laid out the principles of the EU’s Urban Agenda.
The core of the EU Urban Agenda are 12 partnerships through which EU Member States and institutions, cities and experts have come together to tackle major European urban challenges such as climate adaptation, poverty and mobility.
(Source: EU Green Week 2016)
Markku Markkula, President of the European Committee of the Regions at the CoR Forum on the EU-Urban Agenda – Opening session: Why do we need an EU Urban Agenda? Netherlands – Amsterdam
(Source: EU Green Week 2016)
The topic of the second day was why we need to invest in rural areas. During this day participants throughout Europe shared ideas on how to ensure rural communities remain healthy and productive in the long term.
In Brussels, the winners of the 2015 LIFE Best Awards were announced, recognizing innovative nature conservation and environmental projects. This award recognized the most effective and inspiring projects funded through the European Commission’s LIFE Programme, which focuses on nature protection and environmental sustainability.
Among the winners was “Biomass use for Aquatic Warblers”, a conservation project from Poland, that through sustainable agriculture practices protects the habitat of Aquatic Warblers, a threatened bird species.
(Source: EU Green Week 2016)
Aquatic Warblers, such as this one, are being saved thanks to the winning conservation project in Poland.
(Source: EU Green Week 2016)
Award ceremony for 2015 LIFE Best Award
(Source: EU Green Week 2016)
During the third day of EU Green Week 2016, the topic was making investments to ensure a greener future. With numerous activities being held across Europe, participants explored innovative ideas and existing solutions to finance green initiatives.
In Brussels, a high level discussion took placed, where European Commission Vice President, Jyrki Katainen and Environment Commissioner, Karmenu Vella, discussed how the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) can mobilise finance for green projects.
“We want to change the logic behind (the) modern economy to create jobs, growth, productivity, and competitiveness in a more sustainable manner. The idea is to change the business models; and our intention is also to create incentives and encourage consumers to ask for more sustainable products and services,” said Vice-President Katainen.
(Source: EU Green Week 2016)
A message from United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon confirms that EU Green Week reaches beyond Europe, engaging the entire world.
(Source: EU Green Week 2016)
The fourth day focused on investing in our oceans, particularly ensuring they stay healthy and productive for future generations. With participation from across Europe, numerous activities were held exploring the potential of our oceans to create sustainable growth and bring prosperity in the future.
In Evrotas, Greece, local NGO KEAN with the help of the Management Body Mount Parnon and Moustot Wetland organized a beach cleaning of Leimonas beach with students from Skala primary school. The aim of this activity was to teach students the importance of clean beaches in preserving the sustainability of the marine ecosystem.
(Source: EU Green Week 2016)
Students from Skala primary school proudly do their part to preserve the ocean ecosystem.
(Source: EU Green Week 2016)
On the last day of EU Green Week 2016, the topic explored was investing for future generations to ensure prosperity and well-being. Participants throughout Europe explored what actions can be taken today to ensure sustainable development and growth in years to come.
The official closing event of the EU Green Week 2016 was the “Sustainable Development Goals for a Green Future: Investing for Future Generations” event, held in Vienna, Austria. In this conference 120 participants including policy makers, experts and youth representatives gathered to discuss how youth can be more involved in the political processes that drive sustainable development.
(Source: EU Green Week 2016)
During the lunch break participants together with Commissioner Vella and Mr Rupprechter plant 17 trees at the conference centre to show their commitment to working towards a greener future.
(source: EU Green Week 2016)