October 23, 2019 | Wednesday
A worthy discussion on the women and good governance happened today at the 10th session of “EU Gender Talks: Because we make a difference”.
Representatives of the Agency for Gender Equality, ministries, NGOs got engaged in a lively two-hour debate focused on the importance of the implementation of the Law on Gender Equality in all spheres of life with focus in the electoral process. They also emphasized the need for inclusion of women in policy and decision making processes, both on central and local level.
On the EU Gender Talks: In January 2019, as a direct result of an EU-funded Kosovo Gender Analysis, the EU Office/EUSR in Kosovo launched a series of discussions, under the title: Gender Talks: Because We Make A difference. The talks aim at contextualize the inequalities within different topics, raise awareness, contribute to the change of mind-sets and improve gender equality policies in Kosovo. #eugendertalks #becausewemakedifference