May 16, 2024 | Thursday

Celebrating Europe Day 2024

The EU in Kosovo organized a series of activities in Pristina, Mitrovica North, and Prizren to mark Europe Day under the motto “Experience Europe”. This motto continues the “Explore Europe” campaign on visa liberalization, which stands as one of the brightest moments in EU-Kosovo relations in the past year.

On the eve of Europe Day, the EU in Kosovo hosted its traditional Europe Day reception, bringing together the Assembly Speaker, the Prime Minister, local and international counterparts, representatives of the diplomatic community, civil society, media, as well as EU staff. During his speech, the EU Ambassador in Kosovo provided an overview of the developments in EU-Kosovo relations, elaborated on the EU’s support for Kosovo’s European path, and highlighted the need for Kosovo to make choices in line with shared values reflecting the will and wellbeing of the population. At the reception, the EU Ambassador in Kosovo presented the 2024 “European of the Year” award to Bekim Blakaj, Executive Director of the Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo, recognising his contribution to promoting the European idea and values in Kosovo.

On 9 May, the EU in Kosovo organized the main Europe Day celebration in Pristina, which featured activities for children and families, as well as music performances by renowned artists, drawing thousands of people. Joined by Pristina Mayor Perparim Rama, the EU Ambassador in Kosovo officially opened the Europe Day program after a rendition of the European anthem by a group of school students from Prizren. True to its motto, the EU in Kosovo ensured that Kosovo citizens could experience Europe in Pristina, with EU Member States, EULEX, and the UN Kosovo Team serving traditional food and beverages and distributing promotional items at designated huts. The active involvement of EU Member States, EULEX, and the UN in the Europe Day celebrations provided an excellent opportunity to embody the EU’s motto “United in Diversity”, showcase a Team Europe approach, and present the EU as a partner for multilateralism.

To appeal to diverse audiences, the EU in Kosovo curated an impressive line-up of music performances, featuring a children’s choir, a Jazz Quintet, the Chopin Piano Fest, a concert by Offchestra, and a performance by the chart-topping Kosovo singer Ledri Vula. In a square teeming with thousands of youngsters, Vula captivated the crowd while performing his greatest hits. A well-attended concert by Gruv Hijena & Something Went Wронг was also organized in Mitrovica North on 9 May, whereas activities for families and children were also organized in Prizren on 12 May, attracting hundreds of participants. An artistic mural, developed by local artists after a process of public consultation, is currently in the works in Prizren.

To mark Europe Day, the EU in Kosovo also organized two art exhibitions at its Europe Houses in Pristina and Mitrovica North. These exhibitions showcased EU-themed artwork created by students from the 12 schools visited by representatives from the EU in Kosovo, EULEX, and EU Member States over the past three weeks.


In the lead-up to Europe Day, representatives from the EU in Kosovo, EULEX, and EU member states have completed a series of engaging visits to 12 schools across Kosovo. The aim of this outreach was to promote understanding and spark discussions about the European Union and its fundamental principles among students.

Starting from Kosovo’s capital, Pristina, the EU family representatives in Kosovo also visited Prizren, Ferizaj/Urosevac, Gjilan/Gnjilane, Mitrovica South, Pejë/Peć, Dragash/Dragaš, and Janjevë/Janjevo, reaching out to schools in various regions and engaging with members of different communities. Each visit offered students the opportunity to interact directly with EU family officials and learn about the EU’s contributions, principles, and its role in the region.

Throughout the outreach program, students actively participated in discussions, asking questions, and sharing their perspectives on the EU and its relevance in Kosovo’s context. Topics ranged from the EU’s commitment to peace and stability to its support for economic development and human rights.

The successful conclusion of the school outreach underscores the EU’s commitment to forging strong connections with Kosovo’s youth and nurturing a deeper understanding of European values and principles within the region.


To mark Europe Day, the EU in Kosovo organized two art exhibitions titled “Experience Europe” at its Europe Houses in Pristina and Mitrovica North. These exhibitions showcased EU-themed artwork created by students from the 12 schools visited by representatives from the EU in Kosovo, EULEX, and EU Member States throughout April.


On the eve of Europe Day, the EU in Kosovo hosted its traditional Europe Day reception, bringing together the Assembly Speaker, the Prime Minister, local and international counterparts, representatives of the diplomatic community, civil society, media, as well as EU staff. During his speech, the EU Ambassador in Kosovo provided an overview of the developments in EU-Kosovo relations, elaborated on the EU’s support for Kosovo’s European path, and highlighted the need for Kosovo to make choices in line with shared values reflecting the will and wellbeing of the population. At the reception, the EU Ambassador in Kosovo presented the 2024 “European of the Year” award to Bekim Blakaj, Executive Director of the Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo, recognising his contribution to promoting the European idea and values in Kosovo.


On 8 May 2024, the EU Ambassador to Kosovo, Tomáš Szunyog, presented the “2024 European of the Year” award to Bekim Blakaj, Executive Director of the Humanitarian Law Centre Kosovo, for his significant contribution to promoting European ideas and values in Kosovo in the presence of the Parliament Speaker, the Prime Minister, the Ambassador of Belgium in Kosovo, representing the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union, as well as representatives from the diplomatic community, political parties, civil society, and media.

The EU Ambassador in Kosovo also thanked the other nominees for this year, who have shown remarkable dedication in promoting the European idea and values in Kosovo: Blert Morina from CEL Kosovo, Vesna Stajić, from the multi-ethnic gender-based violence shelter, and Mentor Gashi and Slavisa Stojanovic from the Pristina Dog Shelter.

The “European of the Year” award is presented for the ninth year in a row, on the occasion of Europe Day, by the EU in Kosovo to an individual or an institution that the EU in Kosovo considers to have contributed the most to the promotion of the European idea in Kosovo over the past year. While the EU in Kosovo and the EU Member States propose the nominees, the winner is determined through votes cast on the Facebook page and Instagram account of the EU in Kosovo.


To mark Europe Day, the EU in Kosovo organized fun and educational activities for children and families in Pristina, including quizzes, games, and face painting. The talented music ensemble from the Loyola Gymnasium in Prizren played the European anthem, while the Okarina Children’s Choir entertained the audience with their spectacular performance.


True to its motto, the EU in Kosovo ensured that Kosovo citizens could experience Europe in Pristina, with EU Member States, EULEX, and the UN Kosovo Team serving traditional food and beverages and distributing promotional items at designated huts. The active involvement of EU Member States, EULEX, and the UN in the Europe Day celebrations provided an excellent opportunity to embody the EU’s motto “United in Diversity”, showcase a Team Europe approach, and present the EU as a partner for multilateralism.


To mark Europe Day, the EU in Kosovo curated an impressive line-up of music performances, featuring a Jazz Quintet, DJ Adrian Berisha, the Chopin Piano Fest, a concert by Offchestra, and a performance by the chart-topping Kosovo singer Ledri Vula.


To mark Europe Day, the EU in Kosovo organized the “Experience Europe” art exhibitions at the Europe House in Pristina and the Europe House in Mitrovica North. These exhibitions showcased EU-themed artwork created by students from the 12 schools visited by representatives from the EU in Kosovo, EULEX, and EU Member States throughout April. In addition, a concert by Gruv Hijena & Something Went Wронг was also organised to mark Europe Day.


On 12 May, the EU in Kosovo celebrated Europe Day 2024 with fun and educational activities for children and families at Lumbardhi Kej in Prizren. Hundreds of visitors participated in various activities, including games, quizzes, and face painting. An artistic mural, developed by local artists after a process of public consultation, is currently in the works.