May 21, 2024 | Tuesday

A Water-coloured Walk Down Memory Lane 

Aleksandra Zdravković’s “Nostalgia” Exhibition

Looking at many beautiful, almost abandoned old houses, Aleksandra Zdravković asked herself, “What did modernisation bring us?” She decided  it was better not to dwell on the many answers to this question. After completing her studies, she revisited memory sites of her hometown, returning to those “wonderful days”, as she puts it. She  referred  to the buildings in her hometown that used to be “much more poetic and more colourful,” but  now stand replaced by tall uniformly coloured skyscrapers.. Seeing  how everything is grey today, she decided to take a walk down memory lane and reproduce this colourful, long-gone life. 

Aleksandra Zdravković’s “Nostalgia” opened on March 15 at Europe House Mitrovica North. It features watercolour paintings of old buildings of Mitrovica North and Zvećan/Zveçan. The watercolour technique, in Zdravković’s opinion, is the only technique that allows this kind of gentle, yet difficult expression of the colourful landscapes of heavy walls that are featured in her works. To her, watercolour is the only one fitting for this expression of nostalgia. 

Going back in time to these colourful and poetic buildings is a way to not forget how beautiful we were and not dwell on the idea that everything looks grey today. It is a way to help us nurture art and culture. 

Inspired by Renaissance artists  while constantly curious to explore and discover new techniques, Zdravković is currently embarking on her new artistic project with fresh energy gained from her last exhibition at Europe House Mitrovica North. She was particularly energised by her  meeting with visitors, including  Ambassador Szunyog,   who were very positive about her work  and appreciated recognising some of the buildings featured in her artworks.